Labour GAIN! Eight council seats for Labour across Norwich North

There were Labour gains across Norwich North in the local elections with eight council seats for the party in Sprowston and Thorpe St Andrew. Alice has been campaigning with candidates across the constituency and is delighted to see people putting their trust in Labour. Labour remains the largest party in Norwich City and saw strong wins in Mile Cross, Crome and Catton Grove. For the first time in 24 years the Conservatives lost control of Broadland District Council, and their own leader lost his seat.  

Alice says this is a huge boost for the Norwich North campaign, indicating how people are feeling after 13 years of Conservative government. Congratulations to Martin Booth, Bibin Baby and Emma Tovell in Sprowston East, Calix Eden, Jo Bailey and Drew Moore in Thorpe St Andrew North West and Natasha Harpley and Adrian Tipple in Sprowston Central.  

As a party we take nothing for granted and we will be back out campaigning this week and every week until we get the Labour government our country so desperately needs. If you would like to join Alice and support our campaign do get in touch or consider making a donation at donate here or join the Red Rose Network.

10 people standing in front of a screen which shows coloured bar charts displaying the number of councillors in Broadland, won by each party.