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Meet Alice

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Meet Alice

I couldn’t be prouder to come from Norfolk. I grew up in one of the county’s villages and went to the local state school in Downham Market. My first job was on a nearby farm and then in a pub, cafe and shop locally.

I’ve had a good state education, a good job and good healthcare from the NHS. Everyone deserves those foundations for a good life. This isn’t our reality in Norwich North under the Conservatives. Many people simply don’t feel better off after fourteen long years of Conservative Government. We need change and I’m putting myself forward to be your MP to help bring about better lives for all.

Throughout my life I’ve stood up for fairness and have a track record of getting things done.  I’ve dedicated myself to addressing pressing issues such as hunger, poverty, and climate change through my work in the charity sector.  I’ve also helped communities as a councillor, school governor and charity trustee.  I’m bringing  all my energy and experience to fight for the investment and opportunities that our community rightly deserves.

I’ve made my home in Norwich North – I know what a brilliant place it is. But our community has been let down, just as  this country has. 

Since becoming your candidate, I’ve spoken to thousands of you, listening to your experience under this Government and the change you want to see. With people right across our area, I’ve already fought to save our NHS walk-in centre, shone a spotlight on the state of our buses and backed our local businesses.

I’ll be a visible, active MP, working tirelessly with local people, organisations and businesses across our community  to  secure a fairer future for everyone.

A plan for Norwich North

From Sprowston to Thorpe, Drayton to Hellesdon, Old Catton and into the city, people deserve a visible local MP they can turn to and who will stand up for them.  

I care deeply about securing investment and opportunity and restoring hope for people in Norwich North. I’ve listened to people, businesses and organisations across our area  to come up with my 5 priorities.

I know how passionately people in Norwich North feel about protecting our beautiful environment and our planet for future generations.  Tackling  climate change and protecting our environment  is at the heart of these priorities from investment in green energy to public transport.

Action to lower your bills and tackle the cost-of living-crisis.

People across Norwich are being hit by soaring bills and mortgages. 3 in 10 kids in our city live in poverty – we cannot accept this. I’ll fight for action to protect the most vulnerable and to ensure you have what you need to live well.  I will champion Labour’s plan to invest in clean power and warm homes helping to cut your bills and create good local jobs. 

Cost of living Silver Rooms
Alice Macdonald sitting next to Wes Streeting. They are sat in a doctors surgery and both smiling.

Improve access to NHS dentists and doctors and cut NHS waiting lists.

Norfolk is a dental desert. Labour’s plan would mean 700,000 extra urgent dental appointments and action to get more dentists into areas most in need – including Norfolk.  I’ll campaign for a  long-overdue dentistry school in Norwich ensuring we train and retain the dentists we need.  

Many of you are struggling to get GP appointments and are stuck on NHS waiting lists. Our plan to make the NHS fit for purpose would cut  waiting times by giving the NHS the staff and technology it needs. Labour would end the 8am scramble for GP appointments,  giving patients a choice of appointments in person or on the phone.

Good quality, affordable homes and public transport that works for you.

I’ve listened to your concerns and will fight for new protections for renters, more social and affordable housing and action to help first-time buyers onto the property ladder. I will respond to your concerns about proposed developments and work with you to make sure they are right for our area and come with the vital community facilities we need from schools to doctors’ surgeries. 

I will work to improve public transport including upgrading rail services to Norwich. Labour has already pledged to give communities control over local bus services which will benefit people in our area. 

Alice walking and smiling.
Alice on the sofa speaking with someone.

Increased opportunity with well-paid jobs and a great education for every child.

I will champion our great county and our fine city – working to secure well-paid jobs, investment in green energy and in the leading industries we have in our area from life sciences to the digital and creative sectors. I’ll back local businesses, working with them to secure the action and investment they need. 

No child should be left behind – I want every child in Norwich North to have the chance to succeed. I’ll fight for action to improve affordable childcare and for investment in our schools, including to improve SEND support. Labour will introduce breakfast schools in every primary school and increase mental health support for young people in our schools and communities.

Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.

Norwich is a great place to live but anti-social behaviour and crime too often create misery.  Labour will get more police onto our streets and tackle the root causes of crime.  I’ll work with  local councils to expand CCTV and enlist community wardens to crack down on fly-tipping and antisocial behaviour.

Alice with Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper MP.


Trust in politics is at an all-time low and I can understand why many people simply don’t feel politics works for them.

 I will work my hardest to restore trust and show that politicians are not all the same.  That’s why I have been out and about speaking to so many people across Norwich North to hear your concerns. 

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As your MP, I will, 

  • Be your strong voice in parliament – speaking up on the issues that matter to you. 
  • Be a full-time MP – unlike many, if elected, I would never take a second job.
  • Always listen to you. I’ll hold regular constituency surgeries as well as being  visible and accessible.
  • Champion our great county and fine city.  I’m proud to be from Norfolk and will stand up for investment in our area.
  • And I’ll always be honest with you.  I won’t make promises I can’t keep.