Cost of Living Event brings together local charities to focus on action as situation worsens across Norwich

10 people sat around a large table with a red tablecloth. One person is speaking and the others are listening.

Alice Macdonald, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Norwich North and Clive Lewis, MP for Norwich South today brought together local charities and organizations to focus on how the cost-of- living crisis is impacting people across Norwich. 

Organizations in attendance at the roundtable event, which took place at the Silver Rooms Community centre in NR3, included Norfolk Community Advice Network, St Martins Housing, Shelter,  Norfolk Citizens Advice, Norfolk Community Law Service, MAP, the Trussell Trust and Norwich Foodbank.

The event took place as the UK is facing the biggest hit to living standards on record with household incomes predicted to be 3.5% lower next year in real terms than pre- pandemic.  

It also happened following the failure of the Conservative Government to confirm the continuation of the Household Support Fund – an £842m fund to help the most vulnerable households with food and energy costs. 

At the event, organizations highlighted the rising numbers of people going to foodbanks, seeking debt advice and housing support. 

According to Norfolk Citizens Advice, compared to the same period in 2022, there has been a significant increase in Cost of Living issues –a  22% increase in Norwich North and 25% in Norwich South.

Ben Scarlett,  Norfolk Community Advice Network (NCAN) Director said

“No one in Norwich should have to choose between heating their home or putting food on the table. But the record price hikes of the past 18 months have left people across the city facing bills they cannot pay and basics they cannot afford. Only the Government can fix this crisis, which is why Norfolk charities declared a cost-of-living emergency a year ago. As we head into another winter our message remains the same – the Government must urgently help people who are struggling, and invest in the charities and organisations who help them.”

Alice Macdonald, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Norwich North said

The organizations we brought together today are on the frontlines of the cost-of-living crisis and I want to thank them for all their work. They need support and we need the Government to take action to get to grips with this crisis. As we heard today loud and clear, the system is broken,cost of living issues are getting worse across Norwich and people are being forced to make incredibly tough choices. This can’t go on. The Conservatives do not have a plan to tackle the cost of living crisis and people in Norwich are paying the price. Only Labour will deliver real change.”

Labour has set out plans to grow the economy in order to boost wages, bring down bills and make working people in all parts of the country better off.
